Assigned Jobsite Assets

This page will show the current equipment that are on each job and allow you to "Check-In" equipment or receive them.

  1. Job: Type in your Job number to see any equipment that are currently marked on that job site (looking at the job on the EM Equipment Info tab in Vista).
  2. New Equipment Request: Use this option is for requesting equipment to the selected job site in the header. These will be reviewed by an equipment manager.
  3. Receive Equipment: Use this option to receive an equipment to the job site selected in the header.
  4. Search: Type in the equipment number or equipment description to search for any equipment in the Current Onsite Equipment grid.
  5. Scheduled Return: Once a return is scheduled, fill in the schedule return date in this column.
  6. Check-In: This button is used to confirm that this piece of equipment is still on your job site for keeping track of them. (this will update the Transfer Date field on EM Equipment's Info tab in Vista to the current date).
  7. Receive: This button is used to receive an equipment to the job site that has not been received yet and has not been checked-in yet. (this will update the Transfer Date field on EM Equipment's Info tab in Vista to the current date).