Jobsite Assets Configuration

The Jobsite Assets feature allows you to set-up users who can request equipment transfers and users who will be able to fill equipment requests.

You must be a System Admin in the portal for this configuration.
  1. Before you begin configuring Jobsite Assets, complete steps 1-3 in Equipment General Configuration and review the access options in step 4.
  2. Select Admin > Employee Groups, and create an employee group for the users who will be filling and managing the equipment requests on the Jobsite Assets Dashboard (for more details on how to create these groups see Create Employee Groups).
  3. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Equipment > General Configuration, and add the employee group you created in step 2 into portal setting User Group for Jobsite Equipment Admin.
  4. Select Admin > User Access, and filter to Equipment. For each user that will be able to request equipment or receive equipment assign the Job Assets permission.