Jobsite Assets Dashboard - Returning

The Jobsite Assets Dashboard - Returning tab allows your equipment managers to receive pieces of equipment back to a Jobsite or a shop.

  1. Category: Here you can filter the equipment shown in the grid below by equipment category.
  2. Filter if Scheduled After: Here you can filter the equipment shown in the grid below based on their scheduled return date.
  3. Hide Returned Equipment: Use this check box to hide equipment that have already been returned to a job or shop.
  4. Sched Return Date: Here you can assign an equipment a scheduled return date.
  5. Actual Return Date: Once an equipment has been returned, fill in the date they were returned.
  6. Returned To Job: If an equipment has been returned to a job, you can select the job here.
  7. Returned To Shop: If an equipment was returned to a shop and not a Jobsite, you can select the shop it was returned to here. These values are pulled from the shops that are set up in Vista's EM Shops.