Configure Field Tickets and Related Grid Timecard Settings

The Field Ticket allows users to create a Ticket that combines a Grid Timecard, Daily Log, Progress Entry, and Material Usage.

To configure this feature you must be a System Admin.
  1. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Field Tickets > General Configuration.
  2. In portal setting Field Ticket Tab Selection enable the tabs you would like to show in your field ticket. Some tabs may require additional configuration.
    • Ticket: Adds the Ticket tab from JC Contracts in Vista (on the ticket, this section is labeled Field Tickets).

    This selection allows for the integration between Field Management Field Tickets and the Vista JC Field Tickets table and field ticket fields under JC Field Tickets, PR Timecard Entry, and JC Material Use.
    • Ticket: Adds the Ticket tab from JC Contracts in Vista (on the ticket, this selection is labeled Field Tickets).

    • Gen: Adds the Info tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • PR: Adds the Crew Timecard or Payroll section of the Field Ticket

    • PREQ: Adds the payroll equipment section of the Field Ticket.

      • If you enable Equipment on your Field Ticket, you will also need to update portal setting Default employee number per PRCo for Equipment-Only PR Entry with the [PRCo]-[PR Group]: [Employee Number] for each Payroll Company and Employee Group that will be using the Field Ticket. The designated employee must be assigned an EM Co # in Vista on their PR Employee record (Add'l Info tab) and a default Earnings Code.

        Note: The default Earnings Code assigned in Vista must be listed on the Grid Timecard Template for the Field Ticket.
      • The Equipment lookup will use the assigned EMCo to import values.

    • PROG: Adds the Progress Entry section of the Field Ticket.

      • To limit the Cost Types available in the Field Ticket Progress Entry section select Admin > Portal Settings > Progress Entry > General Configuration and modify portal setting Limit Cost Types to show for Progress Entry (blank for all or comma separated).

    • MUSE: Adds the Material Usage section of the Field Ticket, which will push to the JC Material Use batch in Vista and automatically validate/post on approval of the Field Ticket.

    • Sub: Adds the Subcontractor tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Vis: Adds the Visitors tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Con: Adds the Conversations tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Mat: Adds the Deliveries tab from from the PM Daily Log in Vista, allowing you to select Purchase Orders that arrived.

    • Equ: Adds the Equipment tab from from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

      • If you enable Equipment on your Field Ticket, you will also need to update portal setting Default employee number per PRCo for Equipment-Only PR Entry with the [PRCo]-[PR Group]: [Employee Number] for each Payroll Company and Employee Group that will be using the Field Ticket.

    • Acc: Adds the Accidents tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Emp: Adds the Employees tab from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Act: Adds the Activities from the PM Daily Log in Vista.

    • Sign: To add the two signature fields required to submit the Field Ticket.

      Note: Some Fields from the PM Daily log tabs may not appear in Field Tickets.
  3. Enable the Job Cost Companies to make available with portal setting JCCo's to include for Field Ticket. For multiple companies, enter a comma between each company number.
    • If your companies are operated separately, you can enable Restrict Field Ticket JCC selection to the PRCo of the logged in user (Admin > Portal Settings > Field Tickets > Authorization). Users will only be able to access the Job Cost Company that matches their Payroll company when creating a Field Ticket.

  4. By default, all users will be able to see all Field Tickets. To restrict users to only see their own Field Tickets enable portal setting Enable Ticket Security. If there are users who will need to be able to see all tickets, Create Employee Groups and assign it to portal setting User group with permission to view all tickets when Ticket Security is enabled. These settings are found in Admin > Portal Settings > Field Tickets > Authorization.
  5. If you want to submit field tickets for manager approval, enable the portal setting Show Field Tickets in Timecard Approval Screen. This setting is enabled by default if you have more than one user provisioned for Field Management Mobile. See Approve Time as a Timecard Manager for more information.
    Note: When this setting is enabled, the Payroll and Equipment sections of a submitted or approved field ticket display as read-only, even if you have enabled Employee and Equipment Sections on the Field Ticket will always be editable. If you leave this setting disabled and you enable Employee and Equipment Sections on the Field Ticket will always be editable, you can edit the Payroll and Equipment sections of a submitted or approved field ticket.
  6. Select Admin > Admin Roles and assign yourself as the Timecard Admin. You will need this access to continue configuring your Field Ticket, however this assignment will need to be made as the Timecard Admin will be part of your regular workflow.
    • The Timecard admin monitors time and is able to open batches in the portal and will have access to the following pages: Paystub Tools, Timecard Settings, Grid Timecard Settings, Grid Timecard Layouts, and Grid Timecard Templates.

  7. Select Admin > User Access > Crew Timecard, and assign yourself to FM Grid Time permission and Field Tickets. You will need the Grid Time permission to be able to continue to configure the Field Ticket and Field Ticket for testing. When you have finished configuring and testing the Field Ticket, you can enable other users to Field Tickets. If users will need access to enter for others enable FM Grid Time as well.
  8. Because you have just given yourself new permissions, you will need to log out and log back in, this will add the new pages you will need to continue configuring the Field Ticket.
  9. Select Employee Tools > Grid Timecard Layouts, and filter to the Payroll Company and Group for your Daily Time report.
    1. Set up the Column Groups, Row Groups, and Values for this layout based on the following:
      • Standard job timecard lines: For standard job timecard lines, you will need the following layout:

      • Job timecard lines and equipment usage: For Job timecard lines and adding equipment usage, you will need the following layout:

        • The PostDate field is not supported in the Row Groups.
        • If your Grid Timecard includes non-job fields, they will be hidden from the Field Ticket. However the Shift field is supported as long as it is in the Row Groups.
        • If your users need to enter equipment entry in the same line as Job, enable portal setting Show Equipment on Payroll lines for operators. This setting also supports adding usage units to be entered in the Values column for equipment (Admin > Portal Settings > Field Tickets > General Configuration).
      • Bulk add time entries: To bulk add time entries, you must have EarnCode in the Row Group and Shift in the Column Group.

  10. Select Employee Tools > Grid Timecard Templates. Select the layout that you set up in step 8.
  11. Select the Templates drop-down, and select Create New Template. You will need to enter a name for your template, and then select Save New Template. To make things easy, you can name this template Field Ticket.
  12. Add values for the Column Groups that you have used:
    • If you have PostDate and EarnCode in the Column Group (standard job timecard lines or job timecard lines and adding equipment usage):

      • For PostDate, add Pay Period Day #1. You do not need to add more days.

      • For EarnCodes, add the earn codes applicable to your users (usually Regular Time, Over Time, and Double Time). If users will not be entering overtime, enable Regular Time.

    • If you have PostDate and Shift in the Column Group (if bulk adding time entries):

      • For PostDate, add Pay Period Day #1. You do not need to add more days.

      • For Shift, add Shift 1. Add other shifts if needed.

  13. Select Employee Tools > Grid Timecard Settings. Filter to the PR company and PR group for the Field Ticket. In the Field Ticket Template, select the template you created in step 10.
    1. In the Field Ticket Layout drop-down, select the layout that you configured in step 8.
    2. In Field Ticket Template, select the template that you configured in steps 10-11.
    3. To add employees to your Field Ticket based on crew assignments, select Enable Copy by Crews. To configure the Crew feature see Configure Crews.
    4. To allow users to add and enter time for multiple days in the payroll section of the Field Ticket, select Enable Multi-day on Field Ticket.
      Note: All other settings on the Grid Timecard Settings page will not apply to your Field Ticket.
  14. To configure approval, see Configure Field Ticket Approval. Labor and Equipment time are automatically added to Vista PR Timecard Entry batch, but in order for Material and Progress entry to go into Vista the Field Ticket will need to be approved.
Now that you have configured your Field Ticket, you can open a batch (see Timecard Dashboard) and begin testing. When you are ready for others to start using Field Tickets, select Admin > User Access > Crew Timecard and assign the Field Ticket permission for those who will be using this module. This will enable a Field Management license if another Field Management module is not already enabled.