Create an Email Drop Box

You can create a document container and make it an email drop box so that you can email items directly to the container.

You can create a document container in an Enterprise, Site, Project or inside of another document container.

  • If the email is sent from an email address that is associated with a user in the application, the email and attachment will be associated with that user.
  • If the email is sent from an email address that is not associated with a user, the application will associate the email and attachments with the default user account 4PAdmin.
  1. Right-click where you want to create the email drop box and go to New > Document Container.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for your container.
  3. Decide if you want the container to be private, and make your selection under Private Security.
  4. Decide if you want other users to receive notifications when activity happens in this container. Under Default Email Recipient, select the activity that you want to notify users, then select the users you want to receive notifications.
    Add Select this check box if recipients should be notified when new items are added to the container.
    Edit Select this check box if recipients should be notified when items in the container are edited.
    Revise Select this check box if recipients should be notified when new revisions are created within the container.
    Important: Recipients will be able to see all items uploaded to this container.
    If you leave the Recipients field blank, the container will inherit the recipients from the Enterprise, Site, Project or container that you created it in. You can view, add, and remove Recipients any time by right-clicking on the container and going to Configure > This Container. You can also remove any users inherited from the Enterprise, Site, or Project.
  5. Expand the Email Drop Box section and select Email drop box.
  6. Use the Drop Box Email Address field to define the address of the drop box and then click the Check Availability icon to verify that the email address has not already been used on another drop box.
  7. Select the Item Status that should be assigned to the items that are emailed to the drop box.
  8. Select the File Type of incoming emails.
    For example, select PDF if you want the emails sent to the drop box to be saved as PDFs.
    Note: If you want to discard the email and save only email attachments, select exclude.
  9. If attachments included in the email should be created as separate items, select Yes from Extract Attachments.
  10. If you want to make some fields mandatory when users create items, click the plus icon next to Field Preferences and set the fields you want to make mandatory to True.
  11. Click Finish and click OK.