I've Accidentally Deleted an Item. Can I Get it Back?

Most deleted items within Viewpoint For Projects™ can be restored, with a few exceptions.

Here are details of how this is done:

  • Documents - Documents can be restored immediately with the Recycle Bin function. For more information on using this function, click here.
  • Tasks, Containers, Projects, or Sites - These can also be recovered but must be restored via a database change conducted by 2nd line support. To recover a task, container, project or site, please email support@4projects.com with the name and previous location of the item to create a case.
  • Workflows and Forms - Forms and workflows are usually not recoverable when deleted individually. They are included if restored as part of an entire project, however. In rare cases, support may be able to obtain an image capture of the deleted item to aid in rebuilding. If you would like support to look into this for you, please email support@4projects.com to create a case.