Set Up Batch Printing

Before you begin batch printing, ensure that you have the required setup.

The 4Printing client requires that Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 with SP1 is installed on your machine prior to the first use.

The 4Printing application also requires that Internet Explorer is setup to allow file downloads. To check this on Internet Explorer, navigate to Tools > Internet Options > Security tab and then click Custom Level. Within the Settings window, scroll to the Downloads section and change the setting below to Enable.

Internet Explorer 9:

Click OK. You are now ready to begin batch printing.


If you are using Internet Explorer 9, you may need to add '*' into your Local Intranet Zone and apply the above custom-level setting to this zone.

If your organization's network infrastructure utilizes a proxy server, you are required to enter the relevant proxy settings into the 4Printing application before printing. If you are unsure of your proxy details or whether your network utilizes a proxy server, it is recommended you speak with a member of your organization's internal IT help desk.