Upload your Items and Changes

If you edit items in your preferred editing program or if you add items by dragging and dropping, you'll need to upload them to Viewpoint For Projects™ so that the latest versions will be available to everyone.

You'll need internet access to upload items and changes to items.
  • You can view items that you changed by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray and selecting Status. Any items that were changed are listed under Offline Changes.
  • You can view and upload items that you added by going to the Offline Files folder in the Viewpoint For Projects™ drive in Windows Explorer and clicking the Status column. Select all items with the Ready for Upload status to upload them all at once.
  • If you have files to upload that do not require mandatory data, you can schedule an upload to run later or on a regular basis.
  1. In the Viewpoint For Projects™ drive in Windows Explorer, right-click on the items you want to upload and select Upload Files.
    Important: Files are uploaded as registered. If you want to upload unregistered files, select Upload Files as Unregistered instead.
    The Bulk Upload Manager appears.
    Note: The Bulk Upload Manager does not appear if you upload unregistered files.
  2. In the Bulk Upload Manager, you can add recipients to notify people, make an item private, add keywords, and add other metadata.
    Note: Required items are noted with an exclamation point icon .
  3. Click Upload to upload your items to Viewpoint For Projects™ or Save and Close to save your work until you are ready to upload later.
  4. Check the status of the items you uploaded to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
The items upload to Viewpoint For Projects™ and inherit the security and workflows of the container that you upload them to. The items disappear from the Offline Files folder and appear greyed out in other Desktop App folders.