Compare Different Documents in the Brava Viewer

You can compare two documents in the Brava Viewer to identify the differences between them.

You can compare documents only if the Compare feature has been enabled by your administrator.
  1. Navigate to the file you want to view, right-click, and select View and Markup.
    The file opens in the Brava Viewer.
  2. In the Revisions panel, click the Compare Files link.
  3. In the Attachment Picker window, enter search criteria for the document or version you want to compare to and click Search.
    The documents matching the search criteria are listed under the search criteria.
  4. Click next to the document you want to compare.
    The document appears under the Currently Selected Items section.
  5. Click OK. to open the selected document in the Viewer.
    The Attachment Picker closes, and the selected document opens in the Viewer next to the original document in Side-by-Side mode.
  6. Use the Compare toolbar to compare the revisions.
    Restriction: While viewing in Compare mode, most of the functionality associated with Annotate, Review, Redact, Measure, and Publishing (except Save View as .JPG) will not be available for use.