Check Out an Item

You can check out an item to revise it while preventing other users from being able to revise the item.


When you use Live Revise, documents are automatically check out until you save the document back to Viewpoint For Projects™.

  1. Navigate to the item you want to check out.
  2. Right-click on the mouse icon for the item and select Check Out from the menu.
  3. In the Days to hold field, enter the number of days you want to prevent others from revising the item.
  4. In the Reason field, enter a reason for the check out.
  5. Click OK.

After checking out, you may choose to cancel the check out if you do not make any changes to the document and want to unlock it. You can cancel the check out by right-clicking on the mouse icon for the item, selecting Cancel Check Out, entering a Reason, and clicking OK.

Or, you can check in after making changes to the item by right-clicking on the mouse icon for the item and selecting Check In. You will be taken to the Edit Revision screen, where you can specify information for the new revision.