Filter or Search for New Hire Records

Use the Filter option on the New Hire Dashboard page to search for onboarding records or to create a custom view.

  1. From the New Hire Dashboard, select Show Filter.
    The Filters pane displays.
  2. Search for the new hire using any of the available fields in the Filters pane. Options include:
    • Employee Name: Enter a new hire's name or a portion of the name.
    • Profile Group: Select a hiring location.
    • Profile: Select a hiring profile.
    • Expected Hire Date: Enter a date range for the new hire's anticipated starting date with your company.
    • Invitation Sent: Enter the date range when the new hire's onboarding invitation would have been sent.
      Tip: You can also select a date field to choose a date from the calendar.
    • Status: Select the checkboxes for any onboarding statuses relevant to your search.
  3. Select Apply.
    The system filters the dashboard grid based on your search criteria.
  4. To start a new search, select Clear All.
    The system removes all search criteria from the Filters pane, allowing you to start a fresh search.