Audit Benefits Codes

Use Audit Benefit Codes to determine why a benefit code configured in Vista may not be showing for an employee in HR Management.

To access the Audit Benefit Codes pop-up window, open the Benefits Dashboard (Employee Tools > Benefits Dashboard), select the Action button for the employee whose benefit codes you want to review, and then select Audit Benefit Codes. The following table provides descriptions for the columns shown on the Audit Benefit Codes pop-up window.

Field Description
Benefit Type Benefit types allow you to group your benefit plans under a category, such as Medical. Benefit codes that have not been assigned a Benefit Type in Vista will not display in HR Management. For details, see Configure HR Benefit Codes.
Benefit Code Benefit codes refer to the benefit plan that employees can elect. This code can be found in HR Benefit Codes in Vista.
Frequency The Frequency refers to how often an employee-based deduction or liability is calculated. If a Frequency code has not been assigned to an employee-based deduction or liability in HR Benefit Codes in Vista, the benefit code will not display in HR Management. For details, see Configure HR Benefit Codes
DL Code This column refers to the Deduction or Liability Code assigned to the Benefit Code. If no Deduction or Liability code has been assigned to the Benefit Code, the code will not display in HR Management.
Benefit Group Each Benefit Code must be assigned to a Benefit Group in Vista. That Benefit Group must then be assigned to users in HR Management. See Configure Benefit Groups for details.
Options Available? If this column shows Yes, the benefit option is hard-coded and there are no further options available. If this is No, options are available.
Disabled By? If you have set up a Benefit Code to be unavailable if another code is selected, the name of that other Benefit Code displays in this column. For example, if a user elects the Medical plan, the HSA plan should no longer be available. This option is assigned in the portal setting Dependent Benefit Codes - disabled under Admin > Portal Settings > Benefits > Benefit Code Configuration.
Enabled By? If you have set up a Benefit Code to be available if another code is selected, the name of that other Benefit Code displays in this column. For example, if a user elects the Medical plan, the FSA plan should be made available. This option is assigned in portal setting Dependent Benefit Codes - enabled under Admin > Portal Settings > Benefits > Benefit Code Configuration.