Troubleshooting When Benefits Are Not Showing in HR Management

Troubleshoot common issues related to benefit codes not showing in the Benefits module.

Remember to use the Audit Benefit Codes feature and review your configuration for the Benefits module. Following are some possible issues and resolutions.

Benefit Codes are not listed in the HR Benefit Codes grid in Vista

If your benefit codes are missing in Vista, then they will not be available in HR Management. See Configure HR Benefit Codes for details.

Benefit Type is not selected on the Info tab for a Benefit Code

In Vista, make sure that the Benefit Type is selected on the Info tab for the missing benefit code. See Configure HR Benefit Codes for help.

Benefit Codes are listed in the wrong Benefit Group

In Vista, make sure that the benefit codes are in the correct benefit group in HR Benefit Groups. You will also need to ensure that the employee you are testing is in the correct benefit group. See Configure Benefit Groups for details.

Benefit Code has the wrong Frequency on the Deduction/Liability Codes tab

If other troubleshooting efforts have not worked, double-check the Deduction / Liabilities tab in HR Benefit Codes in Vista. Ensure that you have entered the correct code in the Frequency column. Every option for every benefit to make available in HR Management requires that a deduction or a liability be assigned.