Enable Expense-Only HQ Reviewer Selection when Submitting Expense

Allow different reviewers for expenses and AP invoices in order to limit the list of users who can approve expenses.

To enable this functionality, add a user-defined field called udExpenseReviewer to the HQ Reviewers form in Vista. Then enable the portal setting Allow employees to select Expense Reviewer on submission.
Note: After you create the UD field in Vista, be sure to Refresh Synonyms in the portal, as instructed below.
  1. In Vista, select Viewpoint Administration > Programs > VA Custom Fields Wizard.
    1. Select Add Custom Field.
    2. Complete the fields as follows. You can also press F4, and select the HQ Reviewers form to prefill certain fields in the window.
      • What form will the customer field go on: HQRV

      • Name the custom field. The name must begin with "ud": udExpenseReviewer

      • What is the general type of input: 0-Text

      • Provide a description for the custom field: Expense Reviewer

    3. Select the checkbox for Use a pre-defined data type, and then enter bYN in the data type field.

    4. Select Next.
    5. Select Headquarters > Programs > HQ Reviewers.
    6. On the Grid tab, select the Expense Reviewer checkbox for all users who should be allowed to review expenses.
  2. In the web portal, select Admin > Portal Settings.
    1. Select Refresh Synonyms.
      Note: If you do not refresh synonyms, the user-defined field will not display in the portal.
    2. On the Portal Settings page, select Expense > Advanced Configuration.
      Note: You must select the Show Advanced Configuration checkbox at the top of the page to see the Advanced Configuration section under Expense.
    3. Enable portal setting Allow Employees to select Expense Reviewer on submission.
After you complete the above setup, a Reviewer field displays on the Submit Expense for Approval window in the Expense module. When submitting an expense, employees must select a Reviewer. Only users with the Expense Reviewer checkbox selected in Vista HQ Reviewers may be selected in the Reviewer field.