Create Report Categories

Create and maintain categories for reports contained in the Report Library.

These categories are assigned to Report Library reports to determine which users can see a report and how reports are categorized on the Report Library page.
  1. Select Employee Tools > Manage Reports.
    The Manage Reports page opens.
  2. Select the Report Categories button.
    The Manage Document Categories page opens.
  3. Select the +Add button.
    Note: To modify an existing category, select that category from the dropdown field on the Manage Document Categories page. Note that reports are listed under the Reports header in the dropdown list.
  4. In Add New Category, enter a name for this report category.
    Users will be able to view and filter by this category.
  5. In Pick a Type, select Reports.
  6. Select Add.
    This opens the Category section on the page.
  7. To modify the category name at any time, select rename next to the category name.
  8. Add an employee group to the category by selecting a group from the dropdown under Employee Groups That Have Access. Then select Add.
    You can add multiple employees to the same categories. Only users assigned to this category will be able to see the associated reports in their Report Library. See Create Employee Groups for help setting up employee groups.
    Note: Only a System or Security Admin can create or modify employee groups.
  9. To delete a category, select it from the Category dropdown, and then select Delete.
    Note: Report categories may be deleted only if they are not associated with any reports.