Time Off Dashboard

The Time Off Dashboard is accessible to Time Off Admin, time off approvers, and those with the permission to view the Time Off Calendar (assigned from Admin Roles).

Assign the Time Off Admin and Time Off Calendar access in Admin > Admin Roles.

To assign time off approvers, see Configure Time Off Approval.

Request DateThe date range of your current search. You can modify these dates to narrow or expand your search.
Note: By default, the Timeoff Dashboard loads with all pending requests showing, regardless of the date range shown. After you use the filters to search, the date range applies.
Employee CompanyAllows you to filter your search by company. This field defaults to All Companies.
Request StatusAllows you to filter by Approved, Pending, Canceled, and Rejected. This field defaults to All Requests.
Leave CodeAllows you to filter requests by leave code. You will only see leave codes that are found within your current filter.
Search usersAllows you to search for and filter by employee name.
Show CalendarDisplays a grid calendar for the selected month with all requests (Approved, Rejected, and Canceled) and assigned holidays for that month.
Export to CalendarA checkbox displays to the left of each approved request. To download an approved request to your desktop's calendar, select a checkbox, and then select the Export to Calendar button.
Note: This option does not update web-based calendars.
Send EmailAllows Time Off Admins to send manual email reminders to managers with items to approve.
ReviewersAllows Time Off Admins to see the reviewers assigned to an employee and the source of their approval assignment (for example, Timesheet Reviewer Group or Time Off Approval Permission).
Show Only My UnapprovedBy default, the Time Off Dashboard shows all requests awaiting your approval. To see all items, including approved and canceled requests, deselect this checkbox.
Note: If you are a Time Off Admin, you can disable this to see requests that are awaiting other managers approval.
Employee name and NumberHyperlinks that go to the employee's Manage My Time Off page.
ReviewOpens a pop-up window where you can view requested details, and select to approve, reject, cancel, or delete the request. See Review Time Off Requests for details.
DetailsOpens a pop-up window where you can view details for time off requests that have approved, rejected, or canceled.

To undo a time off approval, rejection, or cancellation, select the Reset to Pending button. This resets the review request Status to Pending so that it can be re-evaluated.