Create and Run a Training Class

Training Classes can be created by both a Training Class Admin and a Training Class Instructor. This article covers the steps a Training Class Instructor must take in order to create and run a class.

Users must have an HR Resources record in Vista in order to create and save training classes.
  1. Select Employee Tools > Training Class Dashboard.
  2. Select New Class.
    1. Select the Course. The course determines the skills and training codes associated with the class and the employees who are eligible to sign up for the class.
    2. Enter all remaining field as necessary.
      Note: Required fields display with a red asterisk.
    3. Select Continue
    4. If you have employees already planning to attend the class, you can add their names under Currently Registered Attendees.
    5. In the Employee Groups Eligible For This Class section, you can add or remove the employee groups that will be able to register for this class.
    6. When you are ready to allow these users to register, select Open For Registration.
    7. If you want to provide any Course materials, add them in the Upload Document section.
    8. When you have finished modifying your class, select Save and Close
  3. When you are ready to run a class, return to the Training Class Dashboard and select Edit for that class.
    The Class Detail window opens.
  4. If you have any tasks to perform for this class, a Training Tasks button displays. Select this button and complete tasks as instructed.
  5. To download a PDF of registered attendants for the course, select the View Roster button.
  6. Under Currently Registered Attendees, you can take attendance and have employees sign off on a class:
    • To mark all employees as present for class, select the Mark All Present button near the top of this section.
    • To mark individual employees as present or not present, use the Yes / No toggle in the Present column for each employee.
    • When you mark employees as present, a Click to Sign button displays. After the class has finished, select this button for each employee to have employees sign as acknowledgement of having taken the class.
    • If not all employees attended and you have others on the waitlist, you can Remove an employee in order to move a waitlisted employee to the registered list.
  7. When the class is complete and all attendees have been confirmed, select Submit in the Class Detail window.
    The Training Admin finalizes submitted classes, which moves the training and skill codes designated for those classes to the HR Resource records for the attendees.