Business Units

A business unit is a way to group components of your enterprise.

Business units can have a flat structure or a hierarchy, depending on how you want to roll up information. Each business unit is associated with a company in Viewpoint Team™.

Business units can be:
  • Divisions
  • Locations
  • Sites
  • Projects
  • Contacts and Organizations
  • Companies

When you use a company as a business unit, it is to roll up costs and accounting information.

For Spectrum users

When Team is integrated with Spectrum, note that Spectrum companies with their cost centers are migrated as business units.

Spectrum cost centers that have been migrated to business units are displayed on the Enterprise Settings > Business Units page. In the Business Unit Name column, business units are displayed in the following format:

<Spectrum Company Code>|<Cost Center Code>:<Cost Center Description>

If a Spectrum company does not have cost centers, Team automatically creates a default business unit and displays it in the following format:

<Spectrum Company Code>:<Company Name>