Export License Data

From the Trimble Construction One Admin Center, administrators can export license data to a .CVS file to view details about how licenses have been allocated to users.

  1. Select your name in the upper right corner and select Admin Center.
    Note: If you don't see Admin Center, you have not been set up as an administrator. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.

    If you have more than one enterprise, select it from the Admin Center list.

    The selected Enterprise Info tab appears.
  2. From the License (Assigned / Contracted) section, you can view the number of product licenses in use (on the left side of the forward slash) and the total number of available licenses (on the right side of the slash).
  3. Select Export Data.
A .CSV file downloads to your system. This file includes details on license counts for your enterprise.
Note: For Trimble Construction One Analytics users, you can also export a more detailed list, which includes the names and email addresses of all licensed Trimble Construction One Analytics users.

To export a detailed list of Trimble Construction One Analytics licenses in use, from the Admin Center, go to the User Management page, and then select the Trimble Construction One Analytics Users: (Export) link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.