Project Management: Daily Logs

Find descriptions of the fields in the Project Management: Daily Logs data source organized by category.

Calendar Date


Calendar year starting with January 1st and ending on December 31st. This may be different from the company's Fiscal Calendar. Note that this value is based on the actual date of each record.


Includes all dates from the start of the month through the end of the month. Note that this value is based on the actual date of each record.


This is the week number using a 12 month calendar year. Note that this value is based on the actual date of each record.


This is the day of the month. Note that this value is based on the actual date of each record.

Daily Log

Log Type

This represents the type of Daily Log. It can be either "Company Log" or "Subcontractor Log."

Assigned to

This represents the contact to whom the Daily Log is assigned.


This represents the state of the Daily Log (for example,"Not Started," "In Progress," or "Completed").


This represents the corresponding project for the Daily Log.

Log Title

This is the Log Title of the Daily Log, and includes properties for Work Summary, as well as associated dates.

Daily Log Section

Daily Log Section

This represents a Daily Log section (for example, Weather, Work, Activity).

Daily Log Field

This represents a field within a Daily Log section (for example, Weather Observations, or Work Log).

Daily Log

This represents the entry in a Daily Log field (for example, the text entered in the Weather Observations field).


Equipment Code

This represents the specific equipment for the Equipment Log field.



This is the count of weather delays.

Duration Amount

This is the Call Log Duration in minutes.


This is the hours for the Daily log, as indicated in the Equipment and Work sections.


This is the quantity for the Daily Log, as indicated in the Equipment and Work sections.

Work Log Contact

Work Log Contact

This is the name of the contact indicated in the Work Log field.

Work Log Organization

Work Log Organization

This is the name of the organization for the contact indicated in the Work Log field.