Add a User Stamp

With the User Stamp option, you can maintain a library of stamp images in your Team user account that you can apply to PDFs within any Team project to which you're invited. In addition, you can modify the stamp images in Team to add things such as a check mark or signature.

  1. From the PDF viewer in Team, select the User Stamp option in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Upload one or more images to your stamp library. Saved stamps will be available to your user account regardless of which Team project you are in.
    1. Select Upload Stamp.
    2. Navigate to the image file you want to upload, select it, and then click Open. To upload multiple files from the same location, press and hold the Shift key, and then select the files.
    3. Select Close to add the stamp(s) to your library.
  3. From the library in the right-hand panel, select and drag the stamp onto your PDF to add it.
    Once it's added, you can move the stamp anywhere on the PDF, resize it by selecting and dragging the corners of the image, or use the rotate option to the right of the image to rotate it.
  4. After adding a stamp, you can edit it and save the edited stamp to your library. Once the edited stamp is saved in your library you can use for multiple work items across projects. For example, you may want to add a signature to a stamp, and then apply that signed stamp to all Submittals that need your approval. To edit a stamp:
    1. Select the stamp that you added to the PDF, and then select Edit .
    2. Use the options in the left-hand toolbar to add markups to the image, such as a signature with the free-draw tool, today's date, or a check mark.
    3. To add the edited stamp to your library so that it can be used in other work items and projects, select Add to stamp library, and then select Save Stamp. The edited version of the stamp will appear in your library with a new file name.
      If you save the edited version of the stamp without adding it to your library, the edited stamp will still be saved in the annotation but will not be available for later use.
You can remove a user stamp from your stamp library at any time by selecting the corresponding garbage icon.