View a Drawing

You can view a drawing in Viewpoint Team in your default browser by going to Projects > Drawings.

Once you have opened a drawing, you can use the Navigation Pane () to locate and open other drawings.
  1. From the home page, under Projects, select the name of the project you want to open.
    Alternatively, go to the main menu in the upper left-hand corner, select Projects, and then select the name of the project you want to open.
    The Dashboard for the project appears.
  2. Select the Drawings tab.
  3. Click the name of a drawing to open it in the PDF viewer.
    For details on options for viewing, marking up, and commenting, see Document Viewer Options or Mark up a Document or Drawing.

If you want to access a previous revision of the drawing, click the Revision menu in the upper left-hand corner of the document viewer, and select the revision number you want to view.

For information on comparing revisions, see Compare Drawing Revisions or Sheets.