Make Multiple Work Items Private

As a Project Editor, you can make work items from the same project private, if they have previously been made public. All work items are private by default and visible only to the people on them.

You can also make an individual work item private. See Make a Work Item Private.
  1. From the home page, under Projects, select the name of the project you want to open.
    Alternatively, go to the main menu in the upper left-hand corner, select Projects, and then select the name of the project you want to open.
    The Dashboard for the project appears.
  2. Click the tab of the work item type you want to work with (submittal, RFI, issue).
  3. Select the check box for each work item you want to make private.
  4. Click the Actions button and select Make Private.
The work items are now only visible to the people on them.