Transfer a PCO to Spectrum

You can transfer your completed Potential Change Order (PCO) to Spectrum after you have edited and added the required information. Taking the Transfer to Spectrum action will transfer ownership to Spectrum, and all future updates to the PCO cannot be made in Team.

Before you transfer to Spectrum:
  1. From the project dashboard, go to Project Financials > PCO LOG and select your PCO ID.
  2. Confirm the PCO is completed and select Transfer to Spectrum.
    The Transfer to Spectrum dialog box displays. You must fix any errors before proceeding with the transfer.
    Note: If an input was left in an invalid state (red outline with error), the value was not saved and will not be transferred. The last valid input transfers to your ERP.
  3. When the Validation Successful message displays, select Transfer.
To verify that the transfer was successful, navigate to the PCO from the PCO Log page and open it. If the Open in Spectrum button appears at the top of the PCO Details page, the transfer was successful. At this point, all future updates will occur in Spectrum.