Close an RFI

You can close a RFI to indicate that it is no longer needed on the project by going to Projects > RFIs > More > Close.

A project editor can also close an RFI at any time. Once an RFI is closed, only a project editor can reopen it. See Reopen an RFI.
  1. From the home page, under Projects, select the name of the project you want to open.
    Alternatively, go to the main menu in the upper left-hand corner, select Projects, and then select the name of the project you want to open.
    The Dashboard for the project appears.
  2. Click the RFIs tab.
  3. Click on the RFI number for the RFI you want to work with.
    Note: The RFI number appears in blue text and becomes underlined when you mouse over it.
    The RFI page appears.
  4. Click the More button and select Close.
    The Close RFI Item window appears.
  5. In the Response field, enter the first few characters of reason you are closing the RFI and select it from the list. Otherwise, if it is a new reason, enter the reason and click New Status Code.
  6. In the Comment field, enter any notes or comments about why you are closing the RFI.
  7. (Optional) If you wish to modify the Standard Distribution Language that will appear when the RFI is closed, you can click Edit and modify the text as needed.
  8. The Notify Recipients check box is selected by default. If you do not wish to send email notifications to all the indicated recipients, you can clear this check box.
  9. Click Send.
The RFI is closed and the RFI process is stopped.