Document Imaging Installation - Properties

Before you can begin to use Spectrum Document Imaging, you need set up the installation parameters. This tells Spectrum which format to use when saving images and where to store the image files.




This field is the default directory for all image files. Normally, this will be the main directory where cabinets and drawers will be stored as subdirectories. This directory does not need to be in the same location as the Spectrum data and program files. However, this directory needs to be accessible by any Spectrum user who needs to view image files.

This directory can be a mapped drive or a UNC directory name. If it is a mapped drive, it is as it appears on the server.

If you enter an invalid directory path, the Directory Does Not Exist window displays. If you click OK, Spectrum will create the directory. If you click Cancel, Spectrum will not create the directory.

Note: For new customers, Viewpoint sets up this image path in the ABC company.

Avoid displaying complex PDFs in viewer

Select this checkbox to prompt to download PDF files for viewing, instead of displaying the PDF file automatically. By not displaying the PDF file in the Spectrum viewer, server resources will not be consumed.

Store images by year and period?

Select this checkbox if you would like the software automatically create dated subdirectories where your images will be stored based on the server system date (defined as the four-digit year and two digit month, for example: 2008-04). If your company stores a large number of image files, this feature may be particularly helpful when managing and searching for images within the existing Cabinet, Drawer and Folders structure.