Preparing for Year-End

Answers to some of the most common questions related to preparing for year-end processing.

How many forms should I order?

No forms need to be ordered. Spectrum supports the standard CRA plain-paper T4 format.

Do I need any programming modifications in order to produce T-4s and T-5s at the end of this year?

Please load Spectrum 2023 R3 for up-to-date year-end programming for all Forms and other year-end functions.

What can I do before my final payroll cycle this year to prepare for year-end?

There are several things you can do now to make year-end easier:

  • Carefully review the online Help related to year-end.
  • Collect information on province, territory, local, and other tax changes.
  • Print the Wage and Tax History Report in summary for each province and verify that no major corrections are needed.
  • Update to the Spectrum year-end version (R3).

Do I need to modify the format of my employees' names for electronic filing?


The specifications for T4 requires that employees' names be separated into first, middle, and last names. Spectrum automatically handles this separation.

If the employee has had a name change during the year, verify the correct name will print by going to Payroll > Employees. Use the drop-down at the employee name to verify first, middle, and last.