Electronic Filing

This section provides answers to questions related to electronic filing.

I am unsure whether we have to file our W-2 or 1099-MISC/NEC information electronically. How do I find out?

Nearly all businesses are required to file electronically.

Businesses filing 10 or more total forms (combined number of any type) are required to use electronic filing to submit W-2 and 1099 information to the Social Security Administration (SSA). The deadline for filing electronically is January 31.

Filing electronically requires pre-authorization.
  • If you registered for a User ID and password in a previous year, you may continue to use the same ID as long as you change your password.
  • To register for a User ID and password or to change your existing password, go to the SSA website at https://www.ssa.gov/bso/bsowelcome.htm.
    Note: Check with your CPA, the IRS, or the SSA if you have further questions regarding electronic filing.

Where can I get details about the EFW2 file format?

Go to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Web site at https://www.ssa.gov/employer/. In the W-2 Filing Assistance section, select Specifications For Filing Form W-2 and W-2c Electronically ( EFW2/EFW2C).

What steps can I take to help ensure my electronic W-2 file complies with the EFW2 format for tax year 2023?

Use the SSA's AccuWage Online application.

In your Internet browser, access the Social Security Administration's Web site at http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/.

Note: Both address fields must be completed, even if the same address is used twice, or you will receive an error message when you run your AccuWage test.

The Accuwage application identifies many, but not all, wage submission errors.

Additional help with AccuWage files can be found through the SSA website.

Viewpoint does not provide or support this utility.

Can I use Spectrum to prepare an electronic W-2 filing for my state or local tax jurisdiction?

Some states and local tax jurisdictions will accept the EFW2 format; however, arrangements and approval for reporting to state or local taxing agencies must be made with each individual state or local tax agency. The SSA and IRS do not transfer or process the state record data. Please check with your state or local taxing office to determine if they will accept the EFW2 format.

You can use Spectrum to print state W-2s and produce the W-2 electronic file.
  • If the state you are filing with follows standard Federal guidelines, you can submit the file as-is.
  • If the state you are filing with varies from standard Federal guidelines, there are other options:
    • Nelco, with whom Viewpoint has partnered to support state filing.
    • Modify the data file manually; for more detail on the steps to follow, see the Appendix.

Do I need to modify the format of my employees' names for electronic filing?


The EFW2 record format requires that employees' names be separated into first, middle, and last names. Spectrum automatically handles this separation when the employee is entered.

If the employee has had a name change during the year, verify the correct name will print by going to Payroll > Employees. Use the drop-down at the employee name to verify first, middle, and last.

I can't find my W-2 electronic file. Where has it been created?

Different web browsers may download files from your Spectrum application in different ways. Browsers are routinely updated and you may need to refer to your browser's Help files for the latest information.

The AccuWage guide indicates my employee's name isn't correctly identified. What's wrong?

The EFW2 record format, used for electronic filing, requires that employee names be entered as shown on the employee's social security card (first name, middle name, or middle initial, last name, suffix). Do not include any titles or academic degrees, such as Dr., R.N., or Ph.D. at the beginning or end of the employee's name.

Because the Build W-2 Forms has already been performed, use the W-2 Form Maintenance screen to make corrections as needed.

You can make any changes needed for next year now.

To change existing employee names:
  1. Select Payroll > Employees.
  2. Enter or select an employee.
  3. Select the drill-down icon next to the employee's name. The Employee Name Detail window displays.
  4. Make any required changes in the First, Middle, Last, or Suffix fields.
  5. Select OK to save your changes.

Additional help with AccuWage files can be found through the SSA website.