Edit a Report

You can edit a Paginated Report or Dashboard to add or remove tags or to modify the report title or description.

  1. From the Dashboards tab, navigate to the Paginated Report or Dashboard and select the options menu on the right-hand side.
  2. From the options menu, select Edit to open the Edit Report page.
  3. Under the Edit Report heading, you can select the field with the report title and edit the title if needed.
  4. Under the Tags heading, you can select a tag to add or remove it from the report or Dashboard.
    1. Select the tags you want to apply to the report. Existing tags are shown under the Tags heading.
      • Reports with the Public Report tag are available to all users who can access Paginated Reports and are indicated with a globe icon .
      • Reports with the Hidden Report tag are visible only by selecting the Hidden Reports option. This tag may be useful for any subreports, which are not intended to be run individually.
      Depending on your permissions, you may have the following additional options:
      • Create a new tag by selecting the Create New Tag icon.
      • Edit an existing tag by selecting the settings option for that tag.

        For more information on creating and managing tags, see Manage Tags.

    2. Under the Sharing With heading, review the permission groups and users who will be able to access the report based on your selected tags once the report is published.
    3. Under Description, you can add a description for the report.
  5. Depending on your permissions, you can also create a new tag or edit an existing tag.
  6. In the Description field on the bottom-right, you can edit the description for the report.
  7. When you're finished making edits, select Save Report.
To exit the Edit Report page at any time, select Cancel, and then select Exit.