Configure Job Billing

Before you can begin configuring the Job Billing Module in your portal your Vista must be on version 6.19 or higher.

In addition, Job Billing must be configured in Vista with all JB Reviewer Groups assigned to each contract in JB Contract Info.
Note: You must be a System Admin to configure this module.
  1. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Billing > Progress Billing.
  2. In the portal setting Enabled JCCo's for Job Billing (Comma Separated), enter the Job Cost Company number you would like to enable in your portal for Job Billing.

    If there are multiple companies, enter a comma between each company number (no spaces). Users will only be able to create bills for companies listed in this setting.

  3. If you are enabling multiple Job Cost Companies, but you do not want users to access Job Cost Companies outside of their own PR Company, enable the portal setting Restrict JCCo to the JCCo that matches the logged in user’s PRCo.
  4. To determine which bill types your users will be able to generate, go to portal setting Enabled Bill Initialization Options to enable one or all of these options (Example: P,X).

    For more information on these Initialization Options see Initalize Contract Billings in Vista Help.

    • P: Progress (P) Items Only
    • X: Progress (P) and Both (B) Items - Initialize (B) Items as Progress.
  5. To enable some users to see advanced billing options, enter them in an Employee Group and assign that group to portal setting Employees who can see advanced billing options.

    Users with this assignment will be able to create bills by Process Group and select an Item Bill Group.

  6. To enable some users to have the ability to delete unsbumitted job bills, create an Employee Group with those users and assign them to portal setting Employee Group that can delete unsubmitted Job Bills from the Web.

    Users will not be able to delete bills that have been submitted from the portal.

  7. To give users access to Job Billing, select Admin > User Access > Financial Controls and enable Progress Billing for all users who will need access.
    • When a user creates a bill, their VA User Name will be entered in the Created By field in the JB Progress Billing in Vista.
    • If the user does not have a VA User, or the VA User does not have their PR Company and PR Employee number entered, the Created By field will insert KDSUser in this field.
    • VA User profiles do not need to be active to work.
  8. If you would like users to be able to see Net Invoice SM, SM Retainage, SM Previous, SM Purchased, and SM Installed fields for your stored materials, enable Show SM Fields.
    • Users can edit SM Purchased and SM Installed.

      If you enabled Allow Changes to Previous and Contract Amounts in Vista's JB Company Parameters, users can also edit the SM Previous column.

  9. By default, users will be able to see all job bills for all contracts. However, if you have enabled Job Data Security (Admin > Portal Settings > Security / Login > Data Security) users will only be able to see jobs they are assigned to in Vista.
    Note: This setting affects more than just your Job Billing module if you enable it. Be sure to review this feature before making modifications.
After a bill has been submitted, it will route for approval to those in the Job Billing HQ Reviewer group assigned to the JC Contracts > JB Info Tab in Vista.
For more information about setting up an HQ Reviewer in Vista, see Set Up a Reviewer in Vista.
  • This approval process does not follow sequential approval, each user assigned will be able to review once the bill is submitted.
  • If a reviewer’s VA user profile is listed on multiple HQ reviewers they can easily approve for each at the same time by selecting All Reviewers under the Review As filter when approving.
  • If a JB Company does not use a Review Workflow (enabled on JB Company parameters), the bill will be automatically approved once it is submitted.