Tiles and Charts in a Dashboard

A dashboard contains several tiles and charts that summarize the key metrics for a project and its subprojects.

Name Description
Items in My Court Displays a tile that shows the total number of items or tasks (generated from a workflow) that are assigned to the organisation/user.
Items Due Today for Project Displays a tile that shows the total number of items or tasks (generated from a workflow) that are due today for the project and its subprojects.
Items in Progress for Project Displays a tile that shows the total number of items that are in progress for the project and its subprojects.
Items at Termination for Project Displays a tile that shows the total number of items that are in termination nodes in any workflow within the project and its subprojects.
Items Due for Organisation/User Displays a bar chart that shows the number of items due today for the organisation/user, broken out by due date (in > 7 days, in 7 days, in 2 days, today, 1-10 days overdue, 11-20 days overdue, > 21 days overdue).
Items in Progress for Organisation/User Displays a doughnut chart that shows the number of items in progress for the organisation/user, broken out by votes, comments, and tasks.
Workflows For each workflow in the project and its subprojects, displays tiles that show the number of items due, broken out by due date and workflow node. The Tiles are color-coded to match the corresponding bars in the bar chart.
The numbers in the tiles and charts are based on items that are visible to the logged-in user in Viewpoint For Projects™.
Note: Items in static virtual containers are not counted individually; instead, the container as a whole is counted as one item.
The only tasks that are displayed in the dashboard are those generated from a workflow task node.

Many tiles and chart elements (for example, bars in the bar chart) provide the ability to drill through to the list of items. For example, in the Items Due bar chart, you can click on the bar for items due today to view a list of those items and take action on them.

Note: You are not able to drill through from the following tiles:
  • Items in My Court
  • Items Due Today for Project
  • Items in Progress for Project

However, you can click on the Items Due chart, which is directly underneath those tiles on the dashboard, to drill through to the same data.