Bug Fixes

Viewpoint For Projects™ Mobile 2017-3 contains several bug fixes that improve ease of use and performance. The following bug fixes are included in VFP Mobile 2017-3.

Item Description
Some PDF types not rendering properly Rotating a device or resizing a window after opening a multiple-page PDF in Windows caused the PDF to go blank; returning to original size or orientation restored it.
Very large image files only render half the file Downloading large image files (usually 50 MB or more in size) on Windows devices resulted in a portion less than the whole image to appear.
Button presses not recognized easily Some buttons on Android devices were too difficult to tap in a single attempt; multiple attempts were required in the vicinity before the application detected the tap.
Display renders incorrectly after rotating or resizing Some screens appeared with breadcrumb banners partially obscured; the screen required touching or clicking in order to refresh properly.
Incorrect message when syncing a container with the server for the first time When loading a container for the first time, and during the time the app was syncing with the server, a message appeared that incorrectly indicated no files existed: "This container appears to be empty".