Bug Fixes

Viewpoint For Projects™ 2020-07 contains several bug fixes that improve ease of use and performance. The following bug fixes are included in VFP 2020-07.

Item Issue ID Description
Deleting an attachment to a transmittal causes the transmittal to appear in a pseudo editable state. 88870 Fixed issue where, deleting an attachment caused the transmittal to appear in a false editable state.
Workflow task nodes do not retain the correct recipients when the task template is saved. 94967 Fixed issue where, when a recipient made changes to a task node, the task template or item chosen changed once the workflow was saved.
Inconsistent behaviour between tracked votes and comments in My Action Items. 96624 Fixed issue where, items listed in the Items Awaiting my Vote section were removed once a user's vote was cast.
Items revised in batch do not retain their recipients. 96760 Fixed issue where, if an item was revised in a batch with recipients and not individually, the item would lose its recipients.
Creating a new task will automatically add the assignee into the recipients if they are not there. Editing the task does not add the assignee. 97599 Fixed issue where, an assignee was not added to a new task when editing.
Password policy does not recognise # as a symbol. 99017 Fixed issue where the password policy did not recognise # as a valid character.
Drag and Drop for emails are dragged directly from Outlook to Chromium based browsers which causes the email to be deleted from Outlook. 99078 Fixed issue where, when users would drag emails directly from outlook to the MFU Drag and Drop section, the email would be missing from Outlook.
When MFA is enabled anywhere on an enterprise, the default container on a user's account will no longer work if it points to a location on that same enterprise. 99081 Fixed issue where, when MFA was enabled, the default container on a user's account would no longer work if pointed to a location on the same enterprise.
Live Revise no longer functions correctly if actioned on an item in an enterprise location where MFA is enforced. 99082 Fixed issue where, Live Revise did not function correctly if actions were made on an item in an enterprise location with MFA.
Black bar on upload via MFU. 99399 Fixed issue where, a black bar displayed when uploading files via MFU.
When exporting a report (xls) any task states containing 'completed' is changed to 'resolved' and priority is changed to a number. 99400 Fixed issue where, when exporting a report via xls of tasks with either Complete or Closed as their status, the state names would be different and reported as Resolved and Closed (Unresolved) respectively.
Accepted becomes Rejected when finalising markups. 99432 Fixed issue where, an accepted markup became rejected when voted on from the View and Markup panel.
Report emails show old support number. 100109 Fixed issue where, the report emails displayed the old support number.