Create Lookups for Form Questions

Add lookup details for any Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Single Select questions that you added to a form.

Lookups provide new hires with specific choices when answering these types of questions.
  1. From the home page, in the Onboarding section, select Hiring Process Setup.
    Note: Alternatively, select in the upper left corner of the home page, and select HR Management > Hiring Setup.
  2. Select the Manage Lookups tab.
  3. In the right pane, select Create Lookup.
    Tip: You can also add lookups in the form template itself. After you add one of the relevant question types to the form, select Add Lookup in the question box, and follow the same steps below.
  4. Enter a Name for the lookup (for example, Highest Level of Education).
  5. Enter selections for the lookup (for example, High School, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree).
  6. To add more choices for this lookup, select Add Item.
  7. Select the Active slider to make this lookup available for use on forms.
  8. Select Save.
  9. To modify a lookup later on, select or search for it in the left pane, make your changes, and select Save.