Configure JobTarget

In order to use the JobTarget integration, your System Admin must complete some initial setup.

This includes enabling JobTarget posting and entering your unique partner token and tracking pixel URL in portal settings. JobTarget provides this information to your organization after you sign up for JobTarget's service. If you have not yet signed up for JobTarget's service, complete the form available at: A JobTarget representative will contact you to discuss your organization's needs.
Note: JobTarget integration requires that your employee portal is available externally.
  1. Select Admin > Portal Settings > Onboarding / ATS > JobTarget Integration.
  2. Select Enable JobTarget Posting.
    Important: You must enable this setting in order to push job requisitions to JobTarget.
  3. In JobTarget P-Token, enter the partner token that JobTarget provided to your organization.
    This token allows JobTarget to access job requisition information in HR Management.
  4. In JobTarget Tracking Pixel URL, enter the URL assigned to your company for JobTarget analytics tracking.
After the JobTarget integration has been configured:
Note: Only Onboarding Admins or recruiting managers with email addresses on file can push job requisitions to JobTarget. Recruiters can see JobTarget information in the Job Requisition and Applicant Search grids, but cannot access JobTarget links in HR Management. Assign Onboarding Admins and recruiting managers in Employee Groups.