Job Override Lookup Example

Set up a query to limit jobs based on the logged-in user.

This sample logic restricts jobs available to PRDept "PLMB" to only the NWMECH Department open jobs, and all other employees can see all open jobs.

You must be a System Admin to complete these steps.

  1. Create a new lookup in Admin > Manage Lookups, and add the following query.

    select kJCJM.KeyID as ChoiceShortName, kJCJM.Job + ' - ' + kJCJM.Description as ChoiceLongName from kJCJM

    inner join kJCCM on kJCJM.JCCo = kJCCM.JCCo and kJCJM.Contract = kJCCM.Contract

    cross apply (

    select kPREH.PRDept from HRAuthToken

    Note: Use the authtoken provided by the portal to authenticate the currently logged-in user.

    inner join kPREH on HRAuthToken.PRCo = kPREH.PRCo and HRAuthToken.Employee = kPREH.Employee

    where AuthToken = @AuthToken

    ) PRDeptCheck

    where kJCJM.JobStatus = 1
    Note: Show open jobs only.

    and 1 = CASE WHEN PRDeptCheck.PRDept = 'PLUMB' AND kJCCM.Department = 'NWMECH' THEN 1

    Note: If logged in user is a plumber based on PR dept, limit jobs to only NW Mechanical based on department.

    WHEN PRDeptCheck.PRDept <> 'PLUMB' THEN 1

    Note: NOTE: if logged on user is not a plumber, no restriction.

    ELSE 0 END

  2. Assign the lookup to the portal setting Job Override Lookup located under Admin > Portal Settings > Expense > General Configuration.