Custom Issues Cover Sheet Merge Fields

The following table provides you with a list of Microsoft Word merge fields that are available in the downloadable and modifiable standard cover sheet template for issues, in order to customize how your issues look when they are printed or exported.

Merge Field Description
«Image_ProjectImage» Defaults to the project logo that you have uploaded in Project Settings.
«OurOrganizationName» Defaults to the name of your organization.
«ProjectCode» Defaults to the project ID set in Project Settings.
«ProjectDescription» Defaults to the description of the project set in Project Settings.
«ResponsiblePartyContactOrganizationName» Organization of the contact who is responsible for the issue.
«ResponsiblePartyContactFirstLastName» First and last name of party responsible for the issue.
«ResponsiblePartyContactPhone» Phone number of party responsible for the issue.
«ResponsiblePartyContactEmail» Email address of party responsible for the issue.
«CCList» Names of contacts to be copied on the issue.
«CreatedDate» Date the issue was created.
«IssueNumber» Unique number of the issue.
«Title» The title or subject for the issue.
«DocType» Document type used to classify project document.
«Status» Current status of the issue.
«AssignedToContactOrganizationName» Organization of the individual the issue is assigned to.
«AssignedToContactFirstLastName» First and last name of the individual the issue is assigned to.
«Description» Description of the issue.
«ScheduleImpactNumericScheduleImpact» Issue impact - duration.
«CostImpactNumericCostImpact» Cost impact - monetary amount
«ROMImpactNumericROMImpact» Rough order of magnitude (ROM) impact for the issue.