Mark up a Drawing with Team Mobile

You can mark up a drawing in Team Mobile to add lines, shapes, arrows, or notes.

  1. Tap , and then tap the name of your project to open it.
    If your project isn't shown, tap All Projects, locate your project on the Projects page, and then tap to open it.
  2. Tap Drawings.
  3. From the Drawings page, you can use the search field or scroll to navigate to the drawing you wish to open. Tap the drawing name to open it in the drawing viewer.
  4. Tap the blue plus icon to open the markup toolbar. Select a markup tool and add your markup as described below.
    Icon Option
    Free hand. Tap an area to add a free hand line, and then tap Finish.
    Add shape. Tap an area to add a rectangle, cloud or ellipse.
    Add arrow. Tap and drag to add an arrow.
    Add line. Tap and drag to add a line.
    Free text. Tap an area to add a text box to your document.
  5. You can change the style (color, font size, line thickness, and opacity) of the markup or add an associated note. Tap the markup and choose from the following:
    • Style: Tap to modify markup properties such as color, line thickness, and opacity.
    • Note: Tap to add a note to the drawing.
    • Done. Tap when done modifying the markup.
    • Delete. Tap to delete the markup.
  6. When finished marking up the drawing, tap the Save icon to save the markups.