Add an Issue

You can add an issue to create an issue and start the issue process by going to Projects > Issues > Add.

A project must be created in Viewpoint Team™ before you can create an issue.
Note: You can modify the default options that appear when you create a new issue. For details, see Set Issue Defaults for a Project.
  1. From the home page, under Projects, select the name of the project you want to open.
    Alternatively, go to the main menu in the upper left-hand corner, select Projects, and then select the name of the project you want to open.
    The Dashboard for the project appears.
  2. Click the Issues tab.
  3. Click the Add button .
    The Create Issue window appears.
  4. (Optional) From the State drop-down menu, if you wish to select a state other than the default setting to indicate the initial state of this issue, you can select from Assigned, Open, and Draft.
  5. (Required) In the Type field, select the issue type from the list to be able to sort and filter by type later.
    Depending on the project settings, the Responsible Party field may be filled in automatically based on the type.
  6. (Required) In the Number field, enter a unique identifier for the issue.
    Depending on the project settings, the issue number may generate automatically when you save or send.
  7. (Required) In the Title field, enter the subject for the issue, up to 60 characters.
  8. In the Description field, enter a description of the issue or problem you want to address.
  9. (Optional) Click Add attachment to attach one or more files to the issue.
    1. Browse to the files you want to attach and select them.
    2. Click Open.
  10. (Optional) Click Show More to see and modify all fields on the issue.
    See Issue Fields for details about all the issue fields. The fields available to you on an issue depend on your permission type on the project.
  11. Select the Create Another check box to create another issue after you save the current one.
    If you select this check box, when you click Save, the current issue is saved and the Create Issue window remains open. Modify the field to create an issue with similar information or click Clear All to enter a new issue from scratch.
  12. Click Save.
The issue is saved in open status. You can edit the issue to attach files, add comments, and review the issue before sending it. See Edit an Issue.
You may also Create a Related Record .