Access Public Reports from the Project Dashboard

From your project dashboard, you can open an Analytics report in the Public Reports directory by going to the Project Analytics section of the page and selecting a report.

Note: Analytics reports and folders in the Public Reports directory are available to all Trimble Construction One Analytics users in your enterprise.

  1. From the home page, under Projects, click on the name of the project you want to open.
    The Dashboard for the project appears.
  2. Under Project Analytics, select the report you want to open.
    The report opens.
When you're done viewing the report, you can use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to return to the project dashboard.
Tip: If you have created a report in the My Reports directory and want to make it available in Public Reports, you can open the report, select the Additional Options button , and then select Copy Report to save a copy of the report to Public Reports.