Workflow Management

Use the Workflow Management screen to manage workflows and identify any overdue tasks across all users. This screen will allow the Administrator to reassign tasks, and if authorized, perform the task on behalf of the assigned party. The tree grid supports the ability to group by columns, print and export to Excel.

Proposed purchase orders will display in the Workflow info bar. Click the link to open the Search Current Workflow Assignments window and select the purchase order you wish to open. The info bar will then display the assignment, due date, instructions, notes & history, and action buttons specific to the purchase order (Completed and Back buttons for steps marked FOR COMPLETION, and Approve and Reject buttons for steps marked FOR APPROVAL). The action buttons will only display if the current operator is assigned to this step, or is an override operator for this workflow. After the operator clicks an action button, the system will open the next pending workflow assignment (if applicable). Click the Notes & history link to open the Workflow Notes and History window to add any notes to the workflow or view workflow steps.

Tip: As a best practice, every Spectrum operator should also be setup as a contact. While it will still be possible for an operator without a contact to initiate a workflow, the system would not be able to assign a rejected workflow back to that person without a contact record. In the event that this happens, the record will be 'Unassigned (no originator contact)'.