About Team Mobile and Connectivity

Team Mobile works seamlessly under a variety of mobile connectivity situations.

When your mobile device has access to a wireless network or cellular data, Team Mobile automatically uploads and downloads changes to your Team projects.

If your mobile device experiences poor connectivity, Team Mobile continues to sync your projects but takes longer to do so.

If your mobile device loses connectivity altogether, Team Mobile continues to operate offline but checks for a connection at regular intervals. Once your device reconnects to the Internet, Team Mobile fully syncs your projects.

Note: If your upload speed drops to .7 Mbps or below (listed as "Very Poor" in the Network Speed test), Team Mobile will go offline and continue to operate without connectivity.

If you want to manually check your connectivity, you can run the Speed Test at any time. See Test your Network Connection Speed in Team Mobile. Alternatively, you can simply navigate to another page in Team Mobile, or swipe down to refresh the screen. Either action results in Team Mobile checking connectivity in the background and doing a sync.