Crystal Reports 2020 Upgrade FAQ

Learn about the upcoming changes to the version requirements for Crystal Reports. These changes will go into effect in the spring of 2025.

What is changing?

Beginning with the Vista 2025 R1 release, Crystal Reports 2020 is the new required version for accessing Crystal Reports. Other versions of Crystal Reports will not be supported.

Crystal Reports 2020 requires 64-bit compatibility, so other components in your Vista setup must match this bitness.

Who is impacted by this change?

All Vista customers—including on-premises and cloud customers—will be required to upgrade to Crystal Reports 2020 and meet 64-bit compatibility for all aspects of their Vista setup.

How does this affect me?

Crystal Reports 2020 requires 64-bit compatibility. In order to use Crystal Reports 2020, you must have the following installed:
  • 64-bit version of Microsoft Office
  • 64-bit version of the Vista client
  • 64-bit third-party applications (such as scanning and attachment plugins for the Vista client)

In other words, 32-bit versions of any of the above components must be upgraded to 64-bit. You will need to take different actions depending on your Vista deployment method.

For cloud-hosted customers:

We will update your version of Microsoft Office to 64-bit either before or during your Vista 2025 R1 update (which includes the update to Crystal Reports 2020).

You are responsible for completing the following actions to make sure your Vista setup meets compatibility requirements:
  • Update any third-party applications to have 64-bit compatibility.
  • Test any third-party integrations to make sure these still function in 64-bit.
For on-premises customers:
You are responsible for completing the following actions to make sure your Vista setup meets compatibility requirements:
  • Update Microsoft Office to 64-bit.
  • Update the Vista client to 64-bit.
  • Update the Crystal Reports runtime to Crystal Reports 2020.
  • Update any third-party applications to have 64-bit compatibility.
  • Test any third-party integrations to make sure these still function in 64-bit.

Is this upgrade required?

Yes. All Vista customers will be required to use Crystal Reports 2020. You cannot opt out of this upgrade.

When is this happening?

This change is targeted to take place in the spring of 2025.

Why are we doing this?

The upgrade to Crystal Reports 2020 is part of a modernization initiative for Vista.

Can I test the 64-bit version of Vista beforehand?

Yes. We encourage you to download the 64-bit Vista client and test your system before the Crystal Reports 2020 upgrade takes place in the spring of 2025.

Note: If you are a cloud-hosted customer using Vista with 32-bit Microsoft Office integrations, while testing the 64-bit client, you may experience compatibility issues affecting functionalities such as the Microsoft Outlook integration and PM Create and Send.

Will I have to update each Vista client on each workstation?

Yes. If you have the 32-bit version of Vista installed, you need to run the client installer on each workstation to upgrade to the 64-bit Vista client. Since the client does not install prerequisites, you must also update the local version of the Crystal Reports runtime to Crystal Reports 2020 on each workstation.

Will this upgrade impact or break my custom Crystal Reports?

No. Existing reports will not break when you upgrade to Crystal Reports 2020.