Resources for Vista Year-End Processing

You can use the following topics to perform 2023 year-end processes in Vista for the United States and Canada.

Aatrix is recommended for all US and Canadian regulatory reporting, including printing and e-filing of W-2s, 1094/1095s, 1099s, T4s, and T5018s. However, Vista does provide the ability to generate and download Federal W-2s and 1099-NECs for manual submission to the IRS.

In addition, you can print employee copies of W-2s (U.S.), recipient copies of Form 1099-NEC (U.S.), and paper copies of Canada T4s and T5018s.

Use the links listed below by country for information about the tasks you perform for year-end processing.

For information about using Aatrix for regulatory reporting, select the following links.

Vista-Aatrix Integration

About Regulatory Reporting Using Aatrix

Make Corrections to Regulatory Filings via Aatrix

United States



ACA Reporting



Canada T4s

Note: You can get additional information about year-end processing for Canada and the United States via the Viewpoint Academy. Select the links below for more information.

Vista 2023 Year-End for U.S. Customers

Vista 2023 Year-End for Canada