About Budget Graphs in Field Management Mobile

Field Management Mobile provides budget graphs to help you to check progress on a selected job and phase.

Access Budget Graphs in the mobile app

Budget graphs run dynamically, which means you will need a strong internet connection to ensure that the graphs display and refresh with the latest information on your device.

How you access budget graphs depends on whether you are using the mobile view or tablet grid view for job time entry:
Mobile View
Open a job time entry, tap the Phases tab at the bottom of the page, select a phase, and tap Production Allocation from the pop-up menu. In the upper right, select the Graph option.
Tablet view
Open a job time entry, tap a phase at the top of the grid, and tap Production Allocation from the pop-up menu. In the upper right, select the Budget Graphs option.

Dates shown on the graph

The graph shows the current entry date on the far right. It also shows up to the five most recent dates that production was entered in Vista. If you see a date in the graph but not a bar, typically this means that no labor hours were entered on that date for the given job and phase.

For submitted timecards, the graph pulls values from open payroll timecard batches or posted payroll. For unsubmitted timecards, the graph pulls from hours and units entered on the mobile app.

Graph Columns

This column cross-references values from your JC Estimates by Phase and Cost Types report in Vista. You can also review JC Original Estimates for your selected phase and cost type as a cross-reference.
Note: The portal setting Use projected units and hours instead of estimated units and hours on productivity graphs determines whether the Budgeted column shows estimated units (default) or projected units. Budgeted values display only for the cost type enabled in the portal setting Cost Type for Production Update. This cost type must have the associated JBCostTypeCategory of L-Labor in order for budgeted values to display.
To Date
This column pulls values from your JC Cost Detail records, meaning costs must have been posted in order to display (costs in an open progress entry batch do not display).
Note: To-date values display only for the cost type enabled in the portal setting Cost Type for Production Update.
This column shows individual progress entry units entered on your device.
This column shows the difference between Budgeted and To Date values.