What's New in VFP 2021-06 - December 2021

The sixth release of Viewpoint For Projects in 2021 features the official shift to ViewpointID.

Web Enhancements

Viewpoint ID - The R6 release marks the official migration of the VFP Authentication service into Viewpoint ID. Previous releases have established a framework for this upgrade, and this release marks the switch over to the new service.

Action Required: It is imperative that your user account and credentials are compliant with ViewpointID. For more information on how to be compliant, please follow the guidance here.
Important: To support the migration, VFP will be offline for a short period of time.

About Viewpoint Help

Viewpoint introduces Viewpoint Help, a new help website that gives you access to comprehensive product documentation from a single location. Please visit Viewpoint Help and click the banner to send us your feedback. For more information, see About Viewpoint Help.

Note: You can visit Viewpoint Help using one of the following browsers:
  • Google Chrome 78.0.3904.97+
  • Firefox 73.0.1+
  • Microsoft Edge 79+
  • Safari 13.1+