What's New in VFP 2022-07 October 2022

With the seventh Viewpoint For Projects™ release of 2022, we bring you a new naming convention for containers, tooltips to make it easier to learn about options, and revision notes for Matrix Transmittals. We're also working on the upcoming integration of VFP and Microsoft Office 365.

Auto-increment Container Numbering

A new naming convention component can be applied when adding components to containers. Numbers that will increment automatically can be added to a Naming Convention pattern. This gives naming conventions more benefits and flexibility and allows you to define a number component in-line with VFP sequence number that can’t be changed.

Components copied from another container will be renumbered to fit the naming convention. Editing or revising the component will not change the number. You can read more about it here.

Component Screen Tooltips

Tooltips will be added when creating or editing a component. This will give the user a better understanding of each options’ function.

Classification Schema Updated

The data definitions in the VFP Classification tool have been updated to the latest Uniclass 2015-July 2022 version.

Short Codes Added for Containers

Short code links are now available on Document, Task, and Discussion Containers.

Preparing for Integration with Microsoft Office 365

In upcoming releases, you’ll be able to use features of Microsoft Office 365 with VFP. We’ll keep you updated as this beneficial development happens.