What's New in VFP 2022-08 November 2022

With the eighth Viewpoint For Projects™ release of 2022, we added revision notes to the multi-file upload grid and more options for the workflow duration. In the coming weeks, we'll make it easier to copy common container structures and batch publish markups. We're also doing some maintenance to continue making VFP more secure.

The list of bug fixes is also available.

Revision Notes added to Matrix Transmittals

You can now add Revision Notes to a multi-file upload from the registration grid by default. This change added a Notes field and removed the Workflow field from the grid.

Workflow Duration Update

More options have been added to Workflow Decision Nodes to allow more expiry options. Options up to 31 days for duration are available this release. This allows customers to meet contractual obligations for process time frames.

Future release feature: Copy Container Structure

In the next few weeks, you'll be able to easily copy entire container structures across your Enterprise. This feature will copy only the names of containers, and not copy any items or permissions. This will help with package management and virtual container creation on a project without the need to predefine the names in the Template module.

Future release feature: Batch Publish Tool

In the next few weeks, the new batch publish tool will give users the ability to select multiple revisions of your documents, and have the option to include markups (design comments) to create o serve you a single convenient download. This will allow on-the-fly document management to incorporate design comments and streamline any printing operations, giving you the ability to incorporate multiple drawings into a single PDF for a single print job.