Field Definitions for Spectrum: Contract Summary and Billings-to-Date

Find information about terms and values that appear in Contract Summary and Billings-to-Date reporting in Team.

Note: Some the values for some Contract Summary or Billings-to-Date terms are mapped to a Spectrum table, as shown below, and some are calculated by Viewpoint Team.

Contract Summary Terms

Contract Value
This value is determined by adding any change orders that have occurred to the original value of the contract.
  • Contract Value: The current estimated value of the contract.
  • Original Value: Original value of the contract.
  • Projected Value: Projected value of the contract. If the Projected Value is zero, this value will show the current Contact Value determined at the item level. This means that if a contract includes three items and only one item has projected value, the number shown as Projected Value will include the projected value for the one item that has it and the current Contract Value for the other two items that do not.
Term Spectrum table.field
Contract Value CR_CONTRACT_MASTER_MC.Original_Contract_Amount + SUM (CR_CHNG_ORD_REV_MC.Revenue where status type is 1 or 2) + SUM (CR_CHNG_REQ_REV_MC.CR_Revenue where attached to a CO and CO status type is 1 or 2) + SUM (CR_CHNG_REQ_REV_MC.CR_Revenue where not attached to a CO and CR status type is 1 or 2)
Note: The Current Contract = Original Contract Amount + Executed Changes + Approved Changes
Original Value CR_CONTRACT_MASTER_MC - Contract master.Original_Contract_Amount
Projected Value CR_DRAW_REQUEST_DETAIL_MC.Projected_Amount or CR_DRAW_UNIT_PRICE_BILL_MC.Projected_Amount
Est Cost
The original estimated costs of the contract plus change orders.
  • Est Cost: The current estimated cost of the contract.
  • Original Est Cost: Original estimated final cost of the contract.
  • Projected Est Cost: Projected final cost of the contract. Note that if the projected final cost is zero, this value will display the Est Cost.
Term Spectrum table.field
Est Cost JC_PHASE_MASTER_MC.Original_Est_Cost + JC_PHASE_ESTIMATES_MC.Est_Cost + CR_CHNG_REQ_CON_DET_MC.Change_Request_Amount
Original Est Cost JC_PHASE_MASTER_MC.Original_Est_Cost + JC_PHASE_ESTIMATES_MC.Est_Cost
Projected Est Cost JC_PROJ_COST_HISTORY_MC.Amount
Est Profit

This value is determined by subtracting costs from the revenue.

  • Est Profit: The current estimated final profit for the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Est Profit=(Contract Value-Est Cost)

  • Original Est Profit: Original estimated final profit of the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Original Est Profit=(Orginal Contract Value-Original Est Cost)

  • Projected Est Profit: Projected final profit of the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Projected Est Profit=(Projected Contract Value-Projected Est Cost)

Est Margin

This value is determined as follows: (Current Contract Value minus the Current Estimated Cost) divided by the Current Contract value.

  • Est Margin: The current estimated profit margin of the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Est Margin=(Est Profit)/(Contract Value)

  • Original Est Margin: Original estimated final margin of the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Original Est Margin=(Original Est Profit)/(Original Contract Value)

  • Projected Est Margin: Projected estimated final margin of the contract. Calculated by Team as follows:

    Projected Est Margin=(Projected Est Profit)/(Projected Contract Value)

Billings-To-Date Terms

This amount is determined by dividing the Billed to Date value by the Current Contract value. Calculated as follows:

% Billed = (Billed-to-Date)/(Current Contract Value)

Billed to Date
This value shows the amount of the contract that has been billed to date.
Spectrum table.field
Cost to Date
This is the job-to-date actual cost amount for the project.
Spectrum table.field
Over/Under Billed
This value is determined by subtracting the Revenue to Date from the Billed to Date amount. Calculated by Team as follows:

Over/Under Billed = (Billed-to-Date)-(Revenue to Date)

This percentage is determined by dividing the Cost to Date by the Projected Final Cost. Calculated by Team as follows:

% Complete = (Cost to Date)/(Projected Final Cost)

Received to Date
This is the contract payment amount that has been received. This value includes pre-payments.
Spectrum table.field/formula

(CR_PAY_ADJUST_HISTORY_MC.Payment_Amount + CR_PAY_ADJUST_HISTORY_MC.Discount_Amount) + CR_OPEN_ITEM_MC.Invoice_Balance

Revenue to Date
This amount is determined by multiplying the percentage Complete by the Projected Contract Value.
Spectrum Formula
The formula depends on the job type:
  • Percent (for Fixed price job): Revenue = (% Complete) x (Projected Contract Value)
  • Billed (for Billed job): Revenue = Contract Billings + Unbilled Amount
  • Cost (for Costst + job): Revenue = Cost + (Cost Markup Percent x Cost/100)
  • Complete (for Master job): Revenue = (Cost/Projected Cost) x Revised Contract
This value shows the current amount retained.
Spectrum table.field
Profit fade/gain
This is determined by subtracting the original estimated margin from the projected estimated margin.

Profit fade/gain =(Projected Est Margin)-(Original Est Margin)