Vista Inquiries

With Vista Web Office Tools, you can easily access many of your Vista SQL inquiries on the web.

Vista inquiries allow you to link two or more queries together so that users can view specific information from a Work Center. Create and maintain inquiries and configure inquiry security settings in Vista.

Currently, over 100 Vista SQL inquiries are available on the web. From the hamburger menu in Office Tools, select the Inquiries option to access the inquiries available based on your security setup in Vista. You can sort or search for inquiries by name, title, or description. Any inquiry parameters that you have set up in Vista are available in Office Tools.

Note: User-defined inquiries and inquiries with drill-down capabilities are not available on the web.

You must be a licensed Vista Web Office Tools user to access Vista inquiries on the web.

Learn more about Vista inquiries on the web

Learn more about setting up inquiries in Vista